onsdag 10 juli 2019

Rakim Mayers ASAP Rocky vs. The Swedish racist government



Friends - We are currently in Stockholm where Rocky is being detained for operating in self-defense following an altercation that occurred on 6/30, when Rocky, his bodyguard and two performers were harassed and physically assaulted by a group of men in the area. The conditions of the facility are horrific and include 24/7 solitary confinement, restriction of amenities for the most basic of human functions, lack of access to life sustaining food as well as unsanitary conditions.
Video footage shows the assailants following Rocky, while he pleads to them that he does not want any issues. Rocky volunteered to go to police for questioning. Rocky and his colleagues were arrested on-site.
On the day of his arrest, I spoke with the U.S. Embassy Consult who informed me that his request to visit Rocky was rejected by police, which violates article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which Sweden is a signatory. Since, he has been allowed to visit with a U.S. Embassy Consult and attorney, but only in the presence of Swedish officials. It is troubling and worrisome that the laws are not being applied equally. Sadly, it appears the prosecutor in this case is looking for his own recognition by trying to make a name for himself based on Rocky’s global fame.
On Monday, we filed an appeal with the Swedish Supreme Court to have Rocky released from the inhumane conditions and the clear violation of human rights. They rejected the filing, which means Rocky will remain in prison for two weeks. The prosecutor on the case has further communicated that he is working to receive an additional two week extension for a trial to begin in mid - to end of August.
For a man that has not been proven guilty to go through these conditions, while visiting a country to headline their festival, is troublesome. To keep Rocky and his colleagues in jail is punishment before due process.
Please support us by joining the #JusticeForRockymovement and sign our petition. Link in bio. Thank you for hearing our story and keeping it front of mind.


Remember when Snoop dog visited Sweden? 

Snoop Dogg: I was racially profiled by Swedish police

Rapper vows never to return to Sweden after being arrested for possession of marijuana
Mon 27 Jul 2015 03.41 EDT

Snoop Dogg has accused Swedish police of racial profiling after he was stopped and briefly detained in the town of Uppsala on suspicion of possessing marijuana. He told Swedish fans he would “never be back to your country, it’s been real”.
Police pulled over the rapper’s vehicle on Saturday because he “seemed to be under the influence of narcotics. He was arrested and taken to the police station to take a urine test,” according to a police spokesman. He was released after a urine test, whose results are not yet known.

After his release, Snoop took to Instagram, where he said he was arrested because of racial profiling. “They made me pee in a cup – didn’t find shit,” he said in a video posted to the site. “No case, no nothing.”

#JusticeForRocky Demand that Rocky be released from Swedish Officials

348,805 have signed. Let’s get to 500,000!
Mohammed ELGARH
Mohammed ELGARH signed 54 seconds ago
Johnny Maxey Jr
Johnny Maxey Jr signed 54 seconds ago

On Sunday, June 30th, A$AP Rocky, his bodyguard and two performers from his show acted in self-defense after two men followed, harassed and physically assaulted them in Stockholm. Video footage shows the assailants following Rocky and his colleagues, even cutting off where they are trying to walk sometimes, while Rocky pleads to them that he does not want any issues. 
The group of men continued to follow and harass Rocky and his colleagues, asking for money, and began grabbing Rocky and the others. This led Rocky and his colleagues to act in self-defense to avoid any further physical harm. On Tuesday, July 2nd, Rocky volunteered to go to police headquarters after his performance for questioning about this incident. Rocky and his colleagues were arrested on-site. 
We are surprised that something like this could happen in Sweden to people who were minding their business and forced to defend themselves from a group of assailants. This should be about justice. Rocky has been in prison for six days for the use of self defense. 
Upon being detained, Rocky was denied his request to counsel which is in violation of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which Sweden is a signatory. 
Everyone has the same rights to be treated fairly upon detainment and should be given fair and equal access to such rights. Since, he has been allowed to visit with a U.S. Embassy Consult and attorney, but only in the presence of Swedish officials. It is extremely troubling and worrisome that the laws are not being applied equally in these circumstances. 
On Monday, July 8th, we filed an appeal with the Swedish Supreme Court to have Rocky released from the inhumane conditions and the clear violation of human rights. They rejected the filing, which means Rocky will remain in prison for two weeks. The conditions of the facility are horrific. Some of the inhumane conditions Rocky and his colleagues are facing at the Stockholm Detention Center include 24/7 solitary confinement, restriction of amenities for the most basic of human functions, access to palatable and life sustaining food as well as unsanitary conditions. 
The prosecutor on the case has further communicated that he is working to receive an additional two-week extension for a trial to begin in mid - to end of August. To keep Rocky and his colleagues in jail pending the lengthy trial proceedings is a punishment before the fact, with no due process. 
Join us in the #JusticeForRocky movement and demand that Rocky be released from Swedish officials immediately.
Share this petition, along with our image on social media: https://bit.ly/2NIQt2A

Frimurare (Freemason) Joakim Munter häktade ASAP Rocky! 

Freemason Joakim Munter. 

Den rådman som beslutade om häktning heter Joakim Munter.

Med vänlig hälsning

Marcus Wågman
Tingsfiskal, Stockholms tingsrätt

Rasister och yrkesbrottslingar vid Svea hovrätt avslår ASAP Rocky begäran om prövning 

Hovrättsråden Ulrika Stenbeck Gustavson och Emma Regnér, referent, samt tf. hovrättsassessorn Leo Nilsson 

Hovrättsfiskalen Isabelle Waldenström 

Häktade Rakim Mayers, 19881003
Medborgare i USA

Ombud och privata försvarare: Advokat Henrik Olsson Lilja och 
biträdande jurist Simon Kjellstrand
Olsson Lilja Advokater AB
Sankt Eriksgatan 63A
112 34 Stockholm

Kammaråklagare Fredrik Karlsson 
City åklagarkammare i Stockholm


Stockholms tingsrätts beslut 2019-07-05 i mål B 9283-19
Rakim Mayers har yrkat att han ska friges.

Efter föredragning meddelar hovrätten följande

Hovrätten avslår överklagandet.

Isabelle Waldenström har inte skrivit under sitt beslut vilket gör Svea hovrätts beslut ogiltigt. Typiskt svenska  onchalanta obildade statsanställda varelser.

ASAP Rocky Foto: Skärmdump Change.org

Över 300 000 har skrivit under upprop för att ”frige ASAP Rocky”

Den amerikanska hiphopartisten ASAP Rocky sitter alltjämt häktad i Stockholm, misstänkt för misshandel. Det senaste dygnet har över 300 000 personer skrivit under ett upprop för att han ska försättas på fri fot.
Uppropet, som startats på sajten change.org, har i skrivande stund över 324 000 underskrifter och startades under tisdagen. Uppropet riktar sig mot ”svenska myndigheter” och det står att artisten och hans entourage agerat i självförsvar. I går fick en artikel från amerikanska TMZ stor spridning där det påstås att ASAP Rocky hålls frihetsberövad under ”inhumana förhållanden” – något som tillbakavisas av kriminalvården.
Det står även att häktet har brutit mot Wienkonventionen, som ger utländska medborgare rätt att träffa sitt konsulat. Något som artistens advokat Henrik Olsson Lilja tidigare sagt till Kulturnyheterna inte stämmer.
– Han har inga restriktioner, han får träffa vem han vill, problemet är att det tar viss tid.
ASAP Rocky anhölls tisdagen 2 juli för en händelse som ägde rum två dagar tidigare. Till en början var han misstänkt för grov misshandel, men när han häktades av Stockholms tingsrätt fredagen den 5 juli sänktes misstankegraden till misshandel. Enligt åklagaren Fredrik Karlsson fick personen som misshandlades åka ambulans med sårskador.
Kulturnyheterna har sökt kammaråklagare Fredrik Karlsson.


Rappare, producent, skådespelare, modell.
30 år.
Heter egentligen Rakim Mayers.
Släppte sin första mixtape 2011 och hyllades för debuten Live love ASAP 2013. Skivan gick rakt in på förstaplatsen på Billbords 200-lista.
2015 kom uppföljaren At long last ASAP.
Ingår i rapkollektivet ASAP Mob.
Har vunnit Bet awards och MTV awards-priser samt nominerats till flera Grammys.
Har över 10 miljoner följare på Instagram.
Text: TT

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